Naijaeverything Tweet Chat
“NAIJAEVERYTHING TWEET CHAT” is a platform intended to conncet both Tweeters and Celebrities!
The NaijaEverything Tweet Chat will always be on Nigeria Trend anytime it’s happening so to ease the pain of joining the chat! You can find your Trend when you press the search Icon on Twitter.
Twitter users will be able to join the chat with the harsh tag #NETCwith”Artist Name” (Meaning #NaijaEverythingTweetChatwith”Artist Name”) example: #NETCwithUnlimitedLA
The Artist will then take time to answer questions tweeted to him by NaijaEverything official account (@ne_verified) then the questions by other Tweeters that have used the #NETCwith”Artist Name”
Thank you for Joining the Trend Already!
Warmth Regards,
NaijaEverything Team
The chat will be one of its kind, as Twitter users will have the chance of asking that question that has been bothering them, Like how many times have you F, Lol.
The NaijaEverything Tweet Chat will always be on Nigeria Trend anytime it’s happening so to ease the pain of joining the chat! You can find your Trend when you press the search Icon on Twitter.
Twitter users will be able to join the chat with the harsh tag #NETCwith”Artist Name” (Meaning #NaijaEverythingTweetChatwith”Artist Name”) example: #NETCwithUnlimitedLA
The Artist will then take time to answer questions tweeted to him by NaijaEverything official account (@ne_verified) then the questions by other Tweeters that have used the #NETCwith”Artist Name”
Thank you for Joining the Trend Already!
Warmth Regards,
NaijaEverything Team